


Which goddess story sets contain reprints?

Which goddess story sets contain reprints?

Frequently asking for information on the fact that there are cards of different sets inside the various boxes. So for all those who are wondering this, YES, IN ALMOST ALL GODDESS STORY BOXES THERE ARE PRINTED CARDS OF OTHER BOXES

Below is an outline of how reprints work:

NS-01 - No Reprints
NS-02 - No Reprints
NS-03 - Contains reprints of R from box NS-02
NS-04 - Contains reprints of R from box NS-01 (Only 54 R)
NS-05 - Contains reprints of R from box NS-04
NS-06 - Contains reprints of R from box NS-05
NS-2M01 - No Reprints
NS-2M02 - No Reprints
NS-2M03 - Contains reprints of SR e R from the box NS-2M02 (only from R-082 to R-135 and from SR-037 to SR-055)
NS-2M04 - Contains reprints of SR and R from the box NS-2M01 and R from box 2M02/2M03 (only 54 R from 2M01, same 2M01 SR reprints you can find in 10M01)
NS-2M05 - Contains reprints of SR and R from the box NS-2M04 (Confirmed.)
NS-2M06 - Contains reprints of SR and R from the box NS-2M05 (Confirmed)
NS-2M07 - Contains reprints of SR and R from the box NS-2M06
NS-5M01 - No Reprints
NS-5M02 - Contains reprints of MR, PTR, SSR, SR and R from box NS-5M01 (All the SSR but not the last 9 from Love Live!)
NS-5M03 - Contains reprints of SR and R from Box NS-5M02 and R from box NS-5M01
NS-5M04 - Contains only unique cards of FATE Series
NS-5M05 - Contains reprints of R and SR from the Box NS-5M03
NS-5M06 - Contains reprints of R and SR from the Box NS-5M05
NS-10M01 - Contains reprints of SR from box NS-2M01 (only from SR-037 to SR-072)
NS-10M02 - No Reprints*
NS-10M03 - No Reprints
NS-10M04 - Contains reprints of SR from box NS-10M03